Christopher Phillips, Lieutenant, Paramedic – Decatur Fire and Rescue
Thank you so much for bringing the Autism awareness class to us. The information was very valuable and presented in a very useful way. The one thought that kept resonating in my mind was that I never knew how much I didn’t know. We hear the term autism so often, but it wasn’t till your class that I was able to understand how broad the autism spectrum is. The information concerning how hyperactive someone’s sensory functions are has really enhanced my understanding of why certain behaviors exist and how to recognize and remove those stressor’s. I think something that impressed me most was observing how my coworkers were so engaged in a lecture and so eager to participate in discussion. This says a lot when you can affectively grab the attention of a group of firefighters. I hope we can find a way to deliver this class several more times so we can get more of our guys in it. Thank you again for the time and effort you put into this for us. Sometimes it’s hard to see the end results of your efforts, but rest assured you are making a difference.
Officer Hale, Hoover PD