Sergeant Chris Townsend (Ret.)

Chris Townsend has been a certified police officer since 2002. He currently works for the Madison Police Department in Madison, Alabama as a Sergeant in the Special Operations Division. Sergeant Townsend is the department’s training coordinator and is a certified Taser, PPCT (Pressure Point and Control Tactics), and ALERRT AIR (Active Attack Integrated Response) Instructor. He was assigned to the School Resource Unit in the Special Operations Division from 2006 until 2013. He was assigned to Bob Jones High School as their SRO. Chris is also the current Vice President for The Alabama Association of School Resource Officers ( He has been a “radKids” instructor since March 2012 and is currently serving as the Madison Police Department Honor Guard Coordinator. Sergeant Townsend also serves as a co-coordinator for the department’s chaplain program.
Sergeant Chris Townsend received the Director’s Award of Excellence in 2002 from the Northeast Alabama Police Academy while he was in attendance at Jacksonville State University. He has also received the Officer of the Year Award from both the Madison Police Department in Madison, Alabama, in 2005 and the Optimist Club of Madison in Madison, Alabama, in 2010.
He is a NASRO (National Association of School Resource Officers, National Practitioner and became a NASRO Instructor in January 2012. Chris Townsend can be reached by email at Chris.Townsend@MadisonAl.Gov.